I was in a time of transition in my life, looking for my next steps and I came across the ad for Trail of the Heart. I was intrigued by the program and especially working with horses. The program was 6 weeks, and each week I was able to look more deeply inside myself, heal and allow new ideas to grow. Working with the horses was magic….the horse responded to my emotions, whether it was tears or happiness, and accepted me for just who I was in the moment. The horse doesn’t care what I do, what my roles are just who I am in that moment, it is so freeing and open. I am grateful for the careful guidance of Linda, the facilitator and the open hearted connection with the horses.
~ Donelda, Chestermere

Donelda engaging with Kitty, Radar, Daisy & Doll during a Trail of the Heart exercise.

Find out about Trail of the Heart at Emerge Equine.

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