Better Than Video Games

“Emerge Equine provides an amazing opportunity for all ages and skill levels to learn how to safely care for, interact with, and ride horses. Linda’s passion for horses provides a great environment for students to develop skills on and off the horse, and feel a real sense of accomplishment through their experiences. In addition, the…

Like a Home for Me

“Emerge Equine has become like a home to me. Every welcoming face I see on the drive in, to the drive out is a friend, regardless if it’s one of the horses I’ve seen for months or someone I’ve only just met that day. I knew other riding programs just weren’t for me, they didn’t…


Anxiety and Horses

People often think anxiety is being worried or stressed out about something, like a relationship, a test at school, job performance or a life change. They think there is a specific cause of worry, and fixing the situation will fix the anxiety.  This isn’t typically the case. Anxiety can inhibit one’s ability to speak or think…

The Value of a Dollar

Lots of children participated in our riding camps during the summer of 2019. All the horses that were normally engaged with the kids were busy when a mom asked if her son, Ethan, could participate. She said he would be happy just leading a horse and getting used to having such a big animal around….

Not just a pretty face

With glorious colour, a powerful and athletic conformation, and energy to back it all up, Kitty is an incredible horse. She stands on high alert, likes to move and prance around. She flirts and interacts with geldings in the next pen at every chance she gets. As a two-year-old, she was chosen as an all-round…